Japan Water Guard |
●To conserve 21st century environment and water front● Save our Earth!! |
The outline of this projectIn the recent years, natural disasters such as river flooding and landslides because of big typhoons and heavy rainfalls during the summer and heavy snowfall in the winter has occured every year. On the global scale, heavy rains has brought water shortage and drought all over the world.Extreme phenomenal abnormal weather has become remarkable.These natural disasters are caused by these extreme uneven distribution of water.And these abnormal phenomenon caused by water is due to global climate change.
The earth's climate,has been influenced by the universe since the ancient times.The sunlight and the earth's crust has caused the earth to change naturally.In the time flow of several thousand to several million years,the earth has repeated the ice age and the warm period.Now we are in the edge of the time flow.The recent 100 years or so, can say that the earth's temperarture is getting warm, a phenomenon that is called global warming.
We can not conclude that the recent abnormal weather and global warming is all caused by the greenhouse gas effect, but we are sure that with the development of industrialization has caused great effects on the environment., polluting our atmosphere and water pollution contamination has caused environmental destruction.In developed countries, with rich economic strength,science and technology,emerging and developing countries that aspire economic development are reviewing their environment consciousness but still environment pollution is in progress.Industrialization depends on fossil fuels that gives a big burden to our global environment.It also affects the ecosystem.Water pollution contamination will progress with the rise of temperature and water temperature.The cause of global warming, whether it is caused by natural change or caused by human, "water" is a significant factor in climate change.
・History Discussions on climate change and global warming started full scale in the year 1970.Initially, it was about colder theory, but in the year 1990 global warming theory has become dominant up until now.1970 with the fast high-growth development on the world economy with the destruction of the environment has become a social problem.In the field of international politics,"United Nations Conference" on developing our environment (Earth Summit) was held in Brazil Rio de Janeiro, in June 1992.Framework convention on climate change was adopted and provisions on regular meetings by the participating countries (known as: COP) was determined.As the discussions and researches on global warming has advanced,greenhouse gas effect discharged by the human race has played an important role.And with this mutual agreement,the first Conference of the Parties (COP1) was held in Berlin Germany in 1995.Then (COP3),the third conference was held in Japan,developed countries aiming to reduce the greenhouse gas "Kyoto Protocol" was adopted.Conference are held with the participating countries taking turns every year.And this year,COP21 will be held in Paris France on December. But even with the conference being held in the past 20 years, the problem with global warming is still far from resolution.The abnormal weather has just become worse every year.In recent years, greenhouse gas increases are due to the economic development in emerging countries such as China and India, in Asia, developing countries such as Africa all aiming for economic development.And in order to obtain the power energy, combustion of fossil fuels is at tow and increasing. As a result, the aim and the agreement on greenhouse gas reduction including devoloping countries will be difficult to implement on Paris COP21. ・Energy resource Developed countries that have relied on fossil fuels, has energy conservation and power saving countermeasures to reduce greenhouse gas due to the soaring depletion on fuel prices and resources compared to the time when there was high-growth development.But with countries with larger scales on economy,the use of fossil fuels and the emission of greenhouse gas has no alternative.In recent years、 solar power energy and wind power are used as renewable energy, but not enough to obtain the required industrial energy. The current situation is still relying on fossil fuels. We are all chanting to reduce carbon dioxide or citizens opposing nuclear power plants but we can not let go of our abundant life and still choose to rely on electric power. ・Global warming and water pollution contamination There are various theories on what has been causing global warming. Naturally changing or because of the greenhouse gas effect.But we are sure of the damages brought by abnormal weather and heavy rains and snowfall.And there is no doubt that the direct cause factor is the "water" that is circulating the earth."Water" is the source of life that exists in the earth, including food ,rich economy, industry is also consisted by "water".Water can also be used as power energy by boiling (turbine).Great burden in water is imposed when there is an increase on combustion of fuels → greenhouse gas increase →global warming and in all times all depending on "water",taking a lot of burden and water pollution contamination and water shortage has progressed globally. Souce:Our website, we have created this based on the datas of the Japan National Institue for Environmental Studies Greenhouse Gas Inventory Office and the Japan National Global Warming Prevention Activity Promotion Center. |
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