
Japan Water Guard
●To conserve 21st century environment and water front●
Save our Earth!!
Water Purification Projects
Water Purification Projects
Water purification technology
MiraCarbon technology
What is CarbonFiber
Functions of CarbonFiber
Water Purification Principle
Water Purification Effects
Water Purification Method
Dredging by the MSC method
Aeration and circulation system
Activity of Japan
Activity of the world


Cleaning Water with CarbonFiber

What is CarbonFiber ?

     ”Recovering a Beautiful Water Environment with CarbonFiber !”

 Carbon fiber is a “fibrous carbon substance having a fine graphite crystal structure” which is composed mainly by carbon and manufactured by carbonizing acryl fibers, oil, and carbon by a special heat treatment process. It is generally said to be a “light, strong, corrosion-resistant” advanced functional material. It is widely used in diverse applications, taking advantage of its combination of properties as a lightweight materials with excellent mechanical properties, and its excellent properties as a carbon material.

CarbonFiber used for use as a water purification materials (as a contact media)
   CarbonFiber which is used for use as a water purification materials are given a special surface treatment. It is PAN type (manufactured by carbonizing polyacrylonitrile which is manufactured to cause the fibers to expand in water, different from general industrial use. Carbon fibers for water purification consist of clusters (bundles) of 12,000 ultra-fine, 7μm filaments. 

 Please note that the carbon fiber for genera lindsutrial use is sold for water purification, however it is different from CarbonFiber product given a sizing treatment for water use.
 As for CarbonFiber which is given a special surface treatement, sizing agent dissolves in water and each fibers expand in water. The carbon fiber for general indsutrial doesn't expand in water because it uses epoxy type sizing agent. There is a significant difference of effect between them.

Water purification using carbon fiber is economical and effective method. And it is low environmental impact.
Active biofilm are formed by high bioaffinity of carbon fiber, and its microorganisms decompose contaminants.
CarbonFiber activates microorganisms and gather fishes. Carbon fiber exercises seaweed bed function.

Functions of CarbonFiber

Mechanism of water purufication
   Water purification by CarbonFiber is performed by pollutant capturing ability from large specific surface of CarbonFiber's ultra-fine filaments and biofilm formed by effective microorganisms decompose pollutants. This mechanism of water purufication is a biofilm treatment method which is one of the wastewater treatment method using CarobonFiber as a contact media.

Each fibers of CarbonFiber expand in water.

Pollutants and microorganisms in water are adsorbed.

Adhered microorganisms form an active biofilm and decompose pollutants.
CarbonFiber become a habitat for laying eggs of fishes
by activating microorganisms
When immersed in water, a water-soluble sizing agent dissolves, and the filaments unravel and spread. Pollutants are adsorbed and microorganisms are fixed on the large surface area of the CarbonFiber.
Bio film
( radical sludge)
(microscope photo)

● Mechanism of Water Purification
Swaying of the carbon fibers causes movement
of the water and decompostion of pollutants
Main rutrients and metabolism products
of microcr gmnisms in microbial film

Water purification principle

Decomposition of organic matter
  There are aerobic bacterium (bacteria which likes oxygen) and an anaerobic bacterium (bacteria which likes anoxia). Organic matter is decomposed into carbon dioxide and water under the aerobic condition by aerobic bacterium, and organic matter is decomposed into methane, carbon dioxide under the anoxia by an anaerobic bacterium.

Decomposition of organic matter under the condition of aerobic and anaerobic Decomposition of organic matter using biological membrane

Removal of Nutritive salts (Nitrogen and phosphorus)
  There are denitrification bacteria in microbe group and it decompose nitrate nitrogen, which is formed by a nitrification reaction, into nitrogen gas and scatters in the air. In addition, phosphorus is removed from water because microbes accumulate phosphate ion as polyphosphoric acid. CarbonFiber elutes iron ion and when iron ion and phosphate ion react, it becomes iron phosphate. It is insolubilized and fixed.

Biological nitrogen removal Biological/chemical phosphorus removal

Water purification using CarbonFiber depends on the function of bio film which adheres to fiber as well as adsorption effect of CarbonFiber itself. It is difficult to have water purification effect in the environment where
bio film is not formed. In addition, in environments where there is no microbe, in a deficient oxygen state (lack of dissolved O2 DO), or water without current or movement, it takes a lot of time until the effect is produced. Therefore, it is important to make microbe environment for a higher water purification effect. (Measures: oxygen supply, circulation etc)

Water Purification Effects

 Water quality purification using CarbonFiber is effective in improvement of transparency in a short time, decrease COD and BOD, and purification of TN and TP.

Removal rate of water quality purification using CarbonFiber items(%)
items river lake sewage
 biological oxygen demand (BOD) 50〜70 20〜90 90〜95
 suspended solid (SS) 50〜70 20〜90 90〜95
 total nitrogen (TN) 10〜30 10〜30 30〜70
 total phosphorus (TP) 10〜50 30〜90 30〜50

CarbonFiber Water Purification Method

 With CarbonFiber, a large water purification effect can be obtained simply by installing the CarbonFibers in water. However, the manner in which this effect appears differs greatly, depending on site conditions such as the water area, water depth, amount of water, water flows, water quality, etc. and the method of installation and amount of CarbonFiber installed. In cases where higher cost-effectiveness is required in water purification, the optimum installation plan is necessary.

●Classification of Direct Environmental Water Purification Methods Using CarbonFiber
Installation in main stream
Direct purification methods
Installation in contact pond
River purification Influx water purification method
Separation method
Inlet/outlet method
Direct purification methods Circulation in lake
Lake/marsh purification
(closed water bodies)

Influx water purification method Individual installation in lake
Separation method
Purification of sea
water areas
(Inland seas, closed
sea water bodies)
Direct purification of water area

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